Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is a pervasive challenge that affects millions, tearing through the fabric of families and communities with a profound impact. At Overcome Wellness & Recovery, located in the heart of Lakewood, NJ, we understand the critical nature of early detection in combating this disorder. Our comprehensive approach includes a range of services from Intensive
Outpatient Programs (IOP) to Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP), each designed to offer flexible yet effective pathways toward recovery. Recognizing the signs of alcohol addiction in a loved one is the first crucial step in guiding them toward the help they need, including specialized addiction treatment and substance abuse treatment options.

In this article, we’ll share vital insights on how to identify the often subtle signs of alcohol dependency. With a focus on compassion and understanding, we aim to equip you with the knowledge needed to make a difference in your loved one’s life. Whether it’s navigating the options of outpatient rehab or considering the structured environment of drug rehab, Overcome Wellness & Recovery is your partner in fostering recovery and renewal right here in Lakewood, NJ. Let’s explore together how you can spot the warning signs and effectively support someone in need of help.

Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, often referred to clinically as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), is a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. It develops when alcohol consumption becomes central in a person’s life, taking precedence over all other activities and responsibilities.

At Overcome Wellness & Recovery, we recognize that the path to alcohol addiction can vary widely among individuals. It might begin with social drinking and gradually increase in frequency and quantity, or it can start as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or depression. Understanding these patterns is crucial for recognizing when alcohol use has transitioned into dependency.

Factors Contributing to Alcohol Addiction

  • Genetic predisposition: Family history plays a significant role in the risk of developing addiction.
  • Environmental influences: Stressful environments or peer pressure can increase alcohol use.
  • Mental health disorders: Individuals with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression are at a higher risk of addiction.

Click here to reach out to Overcome Wellness & Recovery if a loved one is struggling with addiction.

Behavioral Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Identifying behavioral changes in someone struggling with alcohol addiction can be one of the most direct ways to recognize a problem. These signs often manifest in how individuals interact with the world around them, particularly in their social behaviors and daily responsibilities.

Changes in Social Activities

  • Withdrawal from social circles: A person might start to pull away from family and friends, especially in settings that do not involve drinking.
  • Preference for drinking situations: An increasing preference to attend only gatherings where alcohol is available or organizing events around alcohol themselves.

Work or School Issues

  • Decreased performance: There may be a noticeable drop in productivity or quality of work, missed deadlines, or frequent absences from work or school.
  • Unexplained absences: Skipping days at work or school without a clear reason can often be a sign of recovery time needed after heavy drinking sessions.

Secrecy and Dishonesty

  • Hiding alcohol consumption: This might include drinking in secret, lying about the amount consumed, or becoming defensive when asked about drinking habits.
  • Financial irregularities: Unexplained expenses or borrowing money could be indicative of spending on alcohol beyond one’s means.

Physical Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Physical Signs of Alcohol Addiction

The physical manifestations of alcohol addiction can be alarming and are often more recognizable as the addiction progresses. Observing these physical signs in someone can be a clear indicator that professional help, such as the services provided at Overcome Wellness & Recovery, might be necessary.

Noticeable Changes in Appearance

  • Neglect of personal grooming: A lack of interest in personal hygiene or appearance, which might include unwashed clothes, unkempt hair, and an overall disheveled look.
  • Weight fluctuations: Significant weight loss or gain in a short period can be a sign of unhealthy eating habits related to excessive alcohol consumption.

Physical Symptoms

  • Slurred speech and coordination problems: Difficulties in speaking coherently or physical instability while walking could be noticeable after drinking excessively.
  • Bloodshot eyes: Regularly having red, watery eyes can be another sign of frequent alcohol intake.
  • Alcohol odor: A persistent smell of alcohol on the breath or body that seems out of context for the time of day or setting.

Health Complications

  • Frequent blackouts: Experiencing gaps in memory or complete loss of memory from events when alcohol was consumed.
  • Unexplained injuries: Bruises or injuries that the individual cannot remember the cause of, which might occur due to falls or accidents while intoxicated.

Click here to reach out to Overcome Wellness & Recovery if a loved one is facing an addiction circumstance

Emotional and Psychological Signs

Emotional and psychological changes are significant indicators of alcohol addiction. These symptoms can often be the most distressing for loved ones to witness, as they affect the very core of an individual’s behavior and mental well-being.

Mood Swings

  • Rapid emotional changes: Someone may exhibit unpredictable emotional responses, such as sudden bursts of anger or inexplicable crying.
  • Increased irritability and aggression: Minor inconveniences or normal interactions may provoke aggressive responses or overly irritable behavior, especially when alcohol is not available.

Psychological Distress

  • Anxiety and depression: An increase in symptoms of anxiety and depression, which may seem to intensify when the person is sober.
  • Isolation: Withdrawal from social interactions not only in the physical sense but also emotionally, preferring to be left alone.

Cognitive Impairments

  • Difficulty concentrating: Problems with focusing on tasks at work or home, which can lead to decreased performance and increased mistakes.
  • Memory problems: Difficulty in remembering recent events or conversations, which may not be related to blackout periods.

Click here to contact Overcome Wellness & Recovery if your loved one is struggling with addiction.

Taking Action: Help Your Loved One Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Recognizing the signs of alcohol addiction is crucial in helping your loved one. At Overcome Wellness & Recovery in Lakewood, NJ, we provide tailored addiction treatment, including IOP and PHP. If you suspect a problem, contact us to explore our support options. Together, we can help your loved one reclaim their life and health. Let’s take the first step towards recovery together.