Overcome Wellness & Recovery stands tall as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with addiction in Howell, NJ. Rooted in Central New Jersey’s heart, this holistic outpatient & PHP addiction treatment center is not just another rehab facility.

With an aesthetic modern design, it mirrors the transformative journey it’s patients undergo. Personalized care is more than a promise here; it’s a commitment. Knowing the financial strain rehabilitation can pose, Overcome proudly collaborates with major insurance providers, ensuring you or your loved ones can conquer addiction without adding financial stress.

Overcome Wellness & Recovery is committed to providing an all-encompassing therapeutic environment. By addressing diverse needs and nuances, we aim to ensure everyone walks out of our doors with renewed hope, strength, and a vision for a brighter, substance-free future.

We Accept Most Insurance

What We Treat at Overcome Wellness & Recovery

Overcome Wellness & Recovery is not just another name in addiction treatment but a lifeline for those seeking authentic healing and transformation. Located in the heart of Howell, NJ, our center takes a holistic approach, treating the addiction and the individual as a whole. Here’s an in-depth look at what we treat:

Substance Abuse (Drug & Alcohol Addictions):

  • Overview: Substance abuse encompasses dependencies on both illicit drugs and alcohol. These addictions can wreak havoc on physical health, emotional well-being, and life prospects.
  • Our Approach: At Overcome, we recognize that every substance abuse journey is unique. Our evidence-based treatments are tailored to individual needs, from detoxification to aftercare. We equip patients with tools to rebuild their lives, free from the shackles of addiction.
  • Overview: Traumatic experiences can sometimes be the silent culprits behind addiction, acting as triggers or coping mechanisms for unresolved pain.

  • Our Approach: We help patients confront and process these deep-seated wounds through specialized trauma therapy. By healing the emotional scars, we ensure a stronger foundation for long-term recovery, free from the past’s shadows.
  • Overview: Spirituality and faith can be pivotal in the recovery journey. For many in the Jewish community, intertwining traditional therapeutic modalities with faith-based perspectives can amplify healing.

  • Our Approach: Our specialized Jewish services respect and integrate religious teachings and traditions. This faith-centric therapy provides a dual pathway: spiritual growth alongside addiction recovery, reinforcing the journey with a deeper purpose and meaning.

Specific Therapies for Howell Residents

Howell’s serene environment juxtaposes the internal turbulence experienced by those battling addiction. At Overcome Wellness & Recovery, we tailor our services to match Howell residents’ unique needs and cultural nuances, ensuring they find a home in our care. Let’s delve deeper into the therapies specially curated for the Howell community:

Outpatient Program (IOP):

  • Overview: The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed for individuals who need structured therapy but also desire the freedom to continue daily activities.
  • Our Approach: Our IOP is molded for Howell residents, blending intensive counseling sessions with flexibility. We promote community involvement, assisting residents in finding equilibrium between recovery and reintegration into their regular lives. This balance ensures patients stay grounded, gaining therapeutic insight and real-world experience.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment:

  • Overview: Addiction rarely exists in isolation. Many patients grapple with concurrent mental health disorders, from depression and anxiety to more severe conditions.
  • Our Approach: Our dual diagnosis treatment identifies and treats these coexisting conditions. Through a mix of medical interventions and therapeutic counseling, we provide a holistic healing environment. This dual-pronged approach ensures patients from Howell get comprehensive care, addressing all facets of their well-being.

Partial Hospitalization (PHP):

  • Overview: PHP is a bridge between inpatient and outpatient care. It’s ideal for those needing intensive therapy without the full-time commitment of an inpatient setting.
  • Our Approach: At Overcome, our PHP is tailored to Howell’s residents’ needs. With a blend of medical monitoring and therapeutic sessions, we ensure patients receive rigorous care in a semi-structured environment. This approach offers the robust support of a hospital setting and community connections intrinsic to outpatient programs.

Advanced Trauma-Therapy:

  • Overview: Deep-rooted traumas can act as triggers or exacerbate existing addiction issues. Addressing them is paramount for genuine, long-term recovery.
  • Our Approach: Our advanced trauma therapy, offered to Howell’s residents, employs cutting-edge techniques and methodologies. From EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to cognitive-behavioral therapy, we delve deep into unearthing and healing the emotional scars that might tether individuals to substance dependencies.

Why Overcome Wellness & Recovery Outshines Other IOPs in Howell

Our commitment is unwavering: to provide Howell residents with therapies that resonate, heal, and empower. At Overcome Wellness & Recovery, we are not just treating addiction but fostering a community of healed, rejuvenated individuals ready to reclaim their lives.

  • 1
    Unified Approach: Unlike other IOPs, we merge addiction treatment and mental health services, understanding that healing is a multi-faceted journey.
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    Holistic Healing: Our treatments aren’t mere quick fixes. We believe in promoting long-term sustainability by addressing the entirety of our patient—body, mind, and soul.
  • 3
    Faith-based Programming: Spirituality can be a potent pillar in recovery. Respecting that, we offer programs that fuse faith with traditional therapeutic practices.
  • 4

    Compassionate Financing: We understand the financial toll of rehabilitation. Thus, we collaborate with major insurance providers and offer adaptable financing options, ensuring nobody is turned away due to monetary constraints.

  • 5
    Detailed Case Management: Every individual is unique. Recognizing this, we tailor-make recovery plans, considering individual needs, backgrounds, and future aspirations.
Overcome Wellness professionals guiding Howell residents in an outpatient program discussion

Choose Overcome: Your Best Shot at a Substance-Free Life in Howell, NJ

Residents and families of Howell, NJ, your search for the paramount addiction treatment center in Monmouth County ends here. Overcome Wellness & Recovery isn’t just a rehab center; it’s a community, a family determined to see you break free from the chains of addiction.

Our center is woven into Central New Jersey’s recovery narrative, consistently ranked as the go-to for comprehensive, compassionate care. Don’t let addiction define you or your loved ones. With Overcome Wellness & Recovery, a brighter, substance-free future awaits. Embrace healing; embrace life.

Take the first step. Reach out to Overcome Wellness & Recovery—the #1 Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment for residents & families of Howell, NJ.